
Report on the awareness and use of the SCforH guidelines among HEPA policymakers, promoters, and researchers in Europe

This report was written as part of the “Creating Mechanisms for Continuous Implementation of the Sports Club for Health Guidelines in the European Union” (SCforH 2020-22) project, funded by the Erasmus+ Collaborative Partnerships grant (ref: 613434-EPP-1-2019-1-HR9 SPO-SCP) and Young Researchers’ Career Development Project, funded by Croatian Science Foundation (ref: DOK-2020-01-8078).

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Suggested citation: Titze, S., Veress, R., Matolić, T., Jurakić, D., Lane, A., Hartmann, H., … Benedičič Tomat, S. (2022). Report on the awareness and use of the SCforH guidelines among HEPA policymakers, promoters, and researchers in Europe. University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology.

Report on the use of the SCforH guidelines in the context of higher education courses for health promoters, physical educators, and sport and exercise practitioners in Europe

This report was written as part of the “Creating Mechanisms for Continuous Implementation of the Sports Club for Health Guidelines in the European Union” (SCforH 2020-22) project, funded by the Erasmus+ Collaborative Partnerships grant (ref: 613434-EPP-1-2019-1-HR9 SPO-SCP) and Young Researchers’ Career Development Project, funded by Croatian Science Foundation (ref: DOK-2020-01-8078).

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Suggested citation: Lane, A., Koski, P., Háp, P., Matolić, T., Jurakić, D., Van Hoye, A., … Titze, S. (2022). Report on the use of the SCforH guidelines in the context of higher education courses for health promoters, physical educators, and sport and exercise practitioners in Europe. University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology.