As part of the project, we will organise two multiplier sport events: [i] National SCforH Conference for Sport Associations and Sport Clubs in Croatia (SCforH Conference); and [ii] Closing SCforH seminar for EU policymakers.
National SCforH Conference for Sport Associations and Sport Clubs in Croatia will be organised as a whole-day event at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology. We expect the attendance of more than 200 participants and representatives of sport associations and grass-root level sport clubs in Croatia. The main topic of the conference will be: Sports Club for Health movement in Croatia and other EU countries: current state and progress”.
The closing SCforH seminar for EU policymakers will be organised with the main objective to present the results and outputs of the project to EU policymakers in the area of sport and health. We will invite five high-level policymakers, including: 1) a representative of the Sport Unit, European Commission; 2) a representative of the Health and Food Safety Unit, European Commission; 3) a representative of the European Olympic Committee, EU Office; 4) a member of the European Parliament; and 5) a representative of EACEA. The main topic of the seminar will be: “Sports Club for Health movement in the EU countries: current state and progress”.
As part of the project, we will also organise six transnational project team meetings. The kick-off meeting will be the first project team meeting and it will coincide with the commencement of the project and also WP1, WP2, and WP3. The meeting will be organised in Zagreb, Croatia. The second project team meeting will coincide with the commencement of WP4 and WP7 and the completion of WP3. It will be organised in Frankfurt, Germany. The third project team meeting will coincide with the commencement of the largest part of the WP5 work. It will be organised in Graz, Austria. The mid-term meeting will coincide with the commencement of WP6 and the completion of WP4. It will be organised in Zagreb, Croatia. The sixth project team meeting will coincide with the completion of WP6 and the commencement of the work on the final two chapters of the SCforH Book (WP2). The closing meeting will coincide with with the completion of WP7. It will take place in Leuven, Belgium.